AmikomSocial for Android

AmikomSocial is a relatively new application, the application amikomsocial this is one application that we can use the smartphone with Android operating system. The application may be used by the general public and certainly most of the students amikom. To find out more details about the application AmikomSocial, I write the following details are sourced from application  :

Android has developed very rapidly. Currently android operating system already used by many smartphone vendors, such as HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and LG. Quoted from Kompas, at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012 in Barcelona, ​​Spain, on February 27 to March 1, 2012, Google reported a total activation per day Android devices as well as the total applications in the Android Market. In mid-December 2011 and then, every day there are 700 thousand activation of Android devices around the world. At the moment the Christmas weekend 2011, reaching 3.7 million Android activation. And now, Android growth more rapidly with an activation device 850 thousand per day.
The development followed many such android android community both users and developers, it seems like Android Developer Mania ADEM community who recently launched the first Android-based AmikomSocial this community through the active group on Facebook. According Jaeni Sahuri, founder ADEM, AmikomSocial is an application for Android-based smartphone that ADEM develop a community team members are mostly students or from outside AMIKOM AMIKOM, as the media and connecting information sharing among members and the community. Jaeni add, about the end of 2011 and, at the meeting of ADEM, Arif Laksito proposes to create a simple android application for the name of the group itself is identical to the android developer of the meeting was finally formed a team to develop the application. Adem until now open to the public to join the community and develop AmikomSoacial.
While AmikomSocial features developed quite a lot, as described Arif laksito, Project leader AmikomSoacial like Campus Info Display, Display News / News, View Info and news on Browser, Share Info and News via other Application, Service Log for Student & Lecturer, Add Schedule for Student & Lecturer Add Alarm Reminders for calendar and other features in development.
With the use of the Web Service AmikomSocial this can be a media sharing and information specifically for users as well as a pilot project in developing a community Adem future Android-based applications.

To install AmikomSocial Stable version 1.5 can be through Google Play
Google Play:
Community ADEM:

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