Thanks for your visiting my blog, in this post I want to give a little tip to make your blog a friendly blog with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Why is it necessary to choose a good template for our blog easily in search in search engines? To the experts blog or web master may already know about it, but for a beginner like me this is still much to learn about it. And I have a few tips that you can possibly do to make your blog into a blog with SEO friendly. Criteria for a good template is the template according to blog search engines are bright, fresh and easy to access. Our example, and many others, they use a bright white appearance so cool to look at. In addition you also have to make your blog easy access, one way to display the image resolution is small (capacity of its small kb). Thus, your blog will be like by the search engines and your blog will be easy to find someone else when they are browsing on the internet. Hopefully these little tips can be useful for you, and hopefully your blog can be a friendly blog with SEO for your blog easily found in search engines.
Talking about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) there are a few tips you can use to get attention from the SEO. When the SEO techniques you better then your blog will be easier to find someone else when they are browsing on the internet. Maybe enough so that I can write, hopefully these few tips useful for you. Thank you for your visit, greetings.
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